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How Listening Can Change Your Life.

“God is always communicating to us!” I heard these words from a dear friend not long ago. I find it particularly exciting when I hear others reflect the essential message that is in my book, which is that every life-experience, felt-sense and relationship is a source of guidance. It’s by listening that we come to receive and understand the guidance.

Life-experiences provide us with countless messages that can open us to who we are, to what we truly want and need, and to what is wanting to emerge naturally in our lives.

  • The body communicates through felt-senses and physical sensations, injury and illness.
  • Relationships evoke emotions that stir up deep longings and resurface past wounding, as well as provide us with a deep sense of partnership and belonging.
  • Family dynamics bring us face to face with ancestral conditioning and karmic patterns, and more opportunities for growth and connection.

Everything from your inner and outer world is a network of energy communication which you can listen to in order to live a richer and fulfilling life.

Right before you react, withdraw, evaluate, or judge yourself and others, there are countless energy-messages in your body informing you, such as increased heart rate, tightness in your chest, a fleeting thought, insistent emotion and the flow of intuition. There is also visual stimulus, sound and taste, as well as guidance inherent in something someone may say to you, as with the sentiment my friend shared with me.

All these experiences provide information that you can become adept at tuning into, as you slow down to feel and sense and really listen!

Real listening has to do with being willing to explore the myriad sources of guidance that are in your life by paying particular attention to the subtle.

Kiss of the Muse by Alex Grey

Subtlety has more to offer us than the obvious, yet these rich details can easily be missed if we are not intent on listening.

Someone recently asked me, “How is it that I can connect easily with some people and then not with my own family members?” I could have explained the necessity for him to listen to his family members in order to create an opening that would result in the safety needed for connection. Instead, I reflected the depth of which he wants to connect with his family. Why? Because he wasn’t really asking the question, “How is it that I can connect with some people and not with my family? Rather, he was saying, “I yearn to connect with my family in an intimate and harmonious way.” That’s the subtle yet prevalent message that I could have easily missed were it not for taking the time to listen.

By listening, I acknowledged his desire to connect; I validated it. That’s what people need – to be heard, seen, and understood.

Listening from the heart and Soul.

I remember a time when the art of listening was the saving grace with regards to an issue that arose between my younger sister and I. She had been extremely upset with me, because she thought that I had made something up in order to control her life.

I spent 20 minutes hearing her, echoing back what she said to me, taking in her accusations, and not deflecting or making her wrong for her judgments or fear.

After the 20 minutes had passed, she softened and was able to hear me. I told her then that her anger frightened me, which surprised her. Had I protected myself from her anger right from the start, and defended myself or justified my actions, she would have gotten even more upset. It would have accelerated an already tenuous situation rather than create a more peaceful outcome.  

In spite of how difficult it can be, take the time to listen so that you can welcome the Divine in all things to let all things transform before your eyes.  

I know that there are times when listening is very difficult, especially when others are judging you, accusing you or making unreasonable demands. Nevertheless, it’s worth the effort, because the conflict that follows your initial reaction can become much more painful than the initial trigger.

Think of it, you can alleviate conflict by making a conscious choice to listen and reflect back what others are communicating without the destructive presence of your defensiveness, explanations, justification or opinions. You can listen to yourself in the same way. Slow down and pay close attention to what you are fully experiencing.

Channeled Message

“There is a world of intolerance stealing away companionship – intolerance that is prevalent in politics, corporate business, schools and family homes. So much expectation, bitterness, and disappointment fill the lives of many, which causes separation, greed and suffering. To compound this matter even more, many who seek the path of freedom find refuge in perfectionism and control which creates even more separation.

“Ultimate freedom is found in the Divine, which is all life as one cohesive act of forgiveness and faith. It’s about interconnection, not detachment.

“God is always communicating within you and into all areas of your life, like a river flowing through you. You are the channel for God – for the spark of your Divinity – the substance of what is holy and true. What better way to follow the path of freedom, the path of eternal grace, than to listen.

“It’s especially necessary to listen to what you don’t understand. When you let yourself not know, guidance comes flooding in. When you are empty, the Divine fills you to overflowing.”

If you long to listen from within or need to be heard and understood,
please consider receiving my support
with BodySOUL Integration.

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