In recent conversations with my Soul Circle, I've noticed a palpable shift in the collective…

Beware of Spiritual Shortcuts: Protect Your Sanctuary for Healing
Overcoming Spiritual Misconceptions
The path to authentic healing requires us to recognize and move beyond spiritual bypassing, a common practice in which well-intentioned spiritual practitioners unknowingly take shortcuts in their guidance. Recently, I witnessed this firsthand when a spiritual teacher told someone that their family conflict was “just an illusion—a fabrication of their mind.” The person had courageously taken a stand with a family member, following their inner guidance, only to have their teacher dismiss this act of bravery as unreal. This demonstrated how spiritual shortcuts can overshadow genuine healing.
This type of “teaching” represents a form of emotional detachment and oppression that can deeply confuse people. It falsely suggests that experiencing negative emotions or being assertive is somehow spiritually unevolved. As a spiritual healer and counsellor, I often wonder: Are such teachers uncomfortable with others’ pain, or do they lack the skills to help people process emotional experiences and personal needs?
Common spiritual shortcuts include:
- Overemphasizing positivity
- Avoiding anger
- Practicing excessive tolerance
- Maintaining weak boundaries
- Judging negativity
As Robert Augustus Masters explains in his book Spiritual Bypassing, We often become negative about negativity itself, turning away from our pain and anything that challenges our belief that all is well. Yet turning toward our pain represents an act of radical caring—not just for ourselves but for others. When we face our personal and collective pain, our capacity for compassion deepens and expands.
Delusions of Being More Spiritually Evolved
A predominant form of spiritual bypassing involves the delusion of reaching a “higher level” of spiritual being. This misconception suggests that we should transcend human conditioning, never take things personally, never be upset by others’ actions, or believe that whatever bothers us about someone merely reflects our own unhealed wounds.
By questioning these prevalent spiritual beliefs, we may discover that some things should be taken personally because they are, in fact, personal. What bothers us about someone may have nothing to do with our healing journey except to activate our refusal to accept inappropriate behaviour. Taking things personally can serve as an internal signal that our boundaries are being violated. Being honest about what disturbs us helps establish clear limits and define our authentic needs and desires.
Forget About Enlightenment
by John Welwood
“Forget about enlightenment.
Sit down wherever you are and listen to the wind that is singing in your veins.
Feel the love, the longing, and the fear in your bones.
Open your heart to who you are,
right now,
not who you would like to be.
Not the saint you’re striving to become.
But the being right here before you,
inside you, around you.
All of you is holy.
You’re already more and less than whatever you can know.
Breathe out, touch in, let go.”
Now is the perfect time to arrive where you are
Channelled Message
Masiandia: “If not now, when? … Now is the perfect time to arrive where you are and thoroughly enjoy it, even if where you are is uncomfortable, especially if it challenges you. Show up more!
“Now is the perfect time to get mad, be ugly, make a mistake, piss someone off, laugh, forgive, stand up for yourself and be kind simultaneously. That’s like rubbing your head and your tummy and singing and jumping up and down simultaneously. If you feel silly, it’s because you are. Enjoy. It’s so much fun being human. Have you forgotten that you’re innocent and beautiful?
“Now is a wonderful time to cease shaming yourself for being human and welcome being uniquely you, welcome your divinity, welcome what is sacred in every moment. Again, enjoy. You’re worth it.
“Now is a fantastic time for celebrating your magnificence, even if that comes from merely getting out of bed and brushing your teeth. Enjoy a bright smile.
“Seriously, we highly recommend enjoying it all: the sad, the happy, the mad as hell, the anxious, the intolerant, the fatigue, the pain, the exhilaration—it’s all divine. Please don’t miss out on the absolute wonderment of being in flesh and bone, feelings and senses. Human embodiment is worth your undivided attention so that you can recognize the depth of spirit in everything.
“Live well, live whole, live abundantly. Be a receiver of God’s will and be filled to overflowing with love and delight to transform suffering into peace.
“Be at peace with all your experiences, even your feeling of not being at peace. That, too, deserves your peace.
Everything can be truly welcomed, cherished and dissolved repeatedly into deep harmony.”
The Courage to Feel
When spiritual teachings dismiss our human experiences as mere illusions to transcend, they rob us of the very wisdom these experiences offer. True spiritual growth requires the courage to feel deeply, to acknowledge our wounds, and to honor our boundaries. By resisting the temptation of spiritual shortcuts and quick fixes, we create authentic sanctuaries for healing—spaces where both our divinity and our humanity can flourish. In the end, it’s not our ability to rise above our emotions that marks spiritual maturity, but our willingness to embrace them as messengers of our truth.
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