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Courageous Self-Expression Fosters Healing and Connection.

As a creative person, I know that self-expression is a courageous act – a vulnerable gift that nurtures healing.

When you permit yourself to be courageous in the act of self-expression, you discover your truth, your longing, and your capacity for love. You become present to the beauty that unites us all; you enter into harmony with what healing is all about – wholeness. 

I came across a Youtube video featuring actor Ethan Hawke, where he examines how courageous expression promotes healing and connection with one another. He invites us to discover our own unabashed creativity. “You have to be willing to play the fool,” he says.

I believe this means being willing to step into the unknown, make mistakes, not be liked, not know what you’re doing, and allow your unabashed self-expression to evolve. It’s a matter of being available for what wants to unfold naturally in every moment. It’s a creative process, after all.

The courageous act of self-expression coupled with listening and being fully engaged opens the door to deep healing and fulfillment. 

Hawke expresses a passion for telling our story and listening to one another in this Ted Talk video. When we start a dialogue – when we share our voices – healing happens, explains Hawke, “We come out of our corners and witness our humanity. When we do that, good things happen.”

self-expression is a courageous act

In Hawke’s insightful talk, he adds, “If you want to help your community, help your family, help your friends, you have to express yourself. To express yourself, you have to know yourself. 

“It’s actually super easy. You just have to follow your love. There is no other path. You have to be willing to play the fool.” 

That is so true, and it’s a matter of exploring life without a road map and knowing that you are on the right path always – the way of love. 

The path of love is a fool’s adventure expressing total trust, willingness and the constant rededication of faith. 

How can we trust, really trust life, when we have been hurt, disappointed, betrayed? Our survival mechanisms won’t allow us to thrive. Our ego has forgotten that it is here to serve the soul. 

In its confusion and imbalance, the ego controls reality to safeguard us from the unknown. It believes that it alone is responsible for manifesting what we want. But in truth, the ego must unite with our soul to receive the guidance needed to manifest what our whole self desires. Self-expression is a courageous act, and the ego must be courageous.

Excerpt from Mystical Intimacy

Masiandia, “In order to fulfil your desires, you need to trust where you are going without a map. You need to accept the map-less-ness of the wisdom of your soul, a source that is destined to fulfil your desires. 

“What many of you don’t realize is that when you let yourselves not know, you become supportive agents that permit the unknown to guide you. To receive the guidance of your soul, you also must relinquish resistance, for the unknowable mystery of your soul cannot guide you unless it is welcomed.”

The Fool or the Jester (Tarot card)

self-expression is a courageous actIn a tarot reading, “The fool represents the perfection of nothingness and the unlimited potential we have when we start out on any path,” explains Gina at Incandescent Tarot.

The fool also embodies acceptance of one’s innocence and being absorbed in the process of learning.

“Far from being frivolous, The Fool shows us that we are our most receptive when we approach new things with a healthy sense of wonder and play.” 

Wonderment is the essence of what Hawke’s message is about. It speaks to our creative and brave self-expression. It’s about surrendering with utter conviction and trusting in the flow of life so that magic can happen.

We can never know our brilliance if we’re not allowed to be wrong or if we have to hold it all together, not ever show our true feelings and stoically prove our worth to others and ourselves. 

This performance’s pressure is too much to bear; we cannot thrive under such a burden. We need to be lighter on our feet like the fool, eager to live more fully.

How do we truly serve one another and live in alignment with purpose – how do we thrive? 

We brave not-being sure of ourselves. We shed the layers of inauthenticity to express our truth. We surrender self-protection, self-neglect and denial. We cease agreeing with others just to avoid adversity. We risk abandonment. We say “No” to what we don’t want and especially say “yes” to what we want. We fully ask for what we need without apology. We face ridicule and hazard failure for the sublime joy that comes with the freedom to be who we are unashamed, at our own pace, our way. We find our way no matter how long it takes, diligently, without reproach, and always on the path of love. Remember, self-expression is a courageous act.

It’s actually super easy. You just have to follow your love.
There is no other path. … You have to be willing to play the fool.

– Ethan Hawke

Yearning for a deeper connection with your soul-essence –
Your inner truth?

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Mystical Intimacy is available in print and e-book at and
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