Spiritual guidance is needed more than ever because it opens the door to more profound…
How Our Relationship with Time Has Changed, and How to Adapt
Since the discovery of quantum physics, we understand that our thoughts create our reality, not in a linear way, but rather as a co-creative relationship with myriads of possibilities.
We have choices like no other time on Earth, and yet we are operating out of overwhelm and past conditioning.
Every single day, we are inundated with stimuli, technological changes and updates, and exceeding pressure to keep up while continuing to view the world through an old lens. We haven’t realized that time has changed, and we need to adapt.
Time is no longer cyclical, as it was for our fore-bearers.
Time used to be seasonal. Time followed natural earth cycles. The Indigenous people migrated to warmer climates during winter. Farmers prepared their harvests for winter rations until the Spring when they planted the new crops. During the industrial age, time became linear. Humanity developed a high interest in achievement, promotions, wealth and status. We lost touch with the seasons and the land.
A client once shared a message she heard at her son’s University inaugural speech. During the opening speeches, the dean spoke about how time has changed. It is no longer cyclical or linear; time is “Coming at us!”
Time is now in constant motion, chaotic and demanding our full attention.
Everywhere we turn, there are issues with energy, technology, health, relationships, communication, resources, earth changes. It’s intense, to say the least.
When I grew up, the news was on at 6:00 pm for one hour every day. Today, the news is on around the clock. Content is being generated relentlessly. There is no resting, no time to rebalance or restore ourselves unless we make an intentional choice to so. Otherwise, we get swept up in the fast current of our modern times.
Committing fully to time is essential for realizing our highest purpose.
In my mid-twenties, I recall telling my counsellor that life was moving too fast for me. Twenty-five years later, life is moving even quicker. So, my counsellor’s response is just as relevant now as it was then. She told me that I am not separate from this world – that avoiding the current wouldn’t change my position in collective humanity. I had to stop rejecting life, she said. I had to commit fully.
Excerpt from Mystical Intimacy
We discover what sustains our commitment by letting the unknown guide us, which is like planning for a trip as carefully as possible, all the while knowing we will encounter situations that we are not prepared for, yet trusting that we will be taken care of.
Masiandia: “This calls for utmost commitment to the path before you – the path that no matter how much you try to avoid, continues to reflect your innermost needs.
“To connect with what your soul truly needs, you must give it the life-experience that best serves its purpose and its value, by letting go of the need to know when and how your life should unfold.”
In today’s world, commitment looks like constant adapting.
Like my client who attended her son’s inaugural speech shared with me, the main message the dean had to offer is the importance of adapting.
The dean said that Universities used to prepare students for one career. That too, has changed. Now people may have up to 7 careers in their lifetime. The University director said that they no longer teach students one job; now they teach them how to adapt to a changing world.
Adapting is the key. Now more than ever, being fluid, receptive, willing to change and evolve, and look at things from a new perspective is imperative.
I’m writing this blog during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and I can see how necessary it is to shift and change with each passing day. I also see with my clients that a small shift towards a deepening relationship with their feelings, doubts, and discomforts changes everything.
Moving closer to our edge of discomfort allows us to become the witnessing self that no longer reacts, but rather is open to possibilities. Shimmying up to one’s deep unease with no judgement or expectation, has a way of dissolving the unease into spaciousness and release, thus helping us enter into resonance with our spirit. It’s transformative.
On the path of healing there comes a time when the voice of old wounds
transforms into faith and empowerment, and you encompass
a new vision of yourself. Discover how
Mystical Intimacy is available in print and e-book at Amazon.ca and Amazon.com
And also at Banyen Books
Feature image by Jon Tyson
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