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Soul Circle
Spiritual guidance and transformational healing with Linda Nardelli, featuring live teachings, journeys, group discussions, and Q&A.
Join the Soul Circle for a deep dive into living life
consciously and to be part of a spiritual healing community.
Soul Circle
Spiritual guidance and transformational healing with Linda Nardelli, featuring live teachings, journeys, group discussions, and Q&A.
Join the Mentorship Circle for a deep dive into living life consciously and to be part of a spiritual healing community.

You are invited to join the Soul Circle, an online community devoted to integrating the whole body, mind, and soul. 

Once per month, we join together for a live group-channeling session to delve into teachings essential to your spiritual path with contemplative practices and processes that open your mind, nurture the soul, and support transformational healing. This is your opportunity to embark on a personal growth and self-discovery journey.

As a member, you will not only help shape the conversations and foster a collaborative spirit of mutual support, but you will also find a place where your unique journey is valued.

The true beauty of our spiritual community lies in the synergy of group exploration, creating a collaborative web that activates growth and transformation for both the individual and the collective.

I hope you’ll join our growing community to receive support on your spiritual journey and cultivate transpersonal awareness. Together, we can harness the transformative power of collective healing, offering a beacon of hope and optimism in these challenging times.

Soul Purpose

“I love the monthly sessions!  They give me the time & space to sink in with beings of like-mind in a safe, non-judgmental place. I don’t even realize what I am missing until I am there in the Circle. They have been a lovely cup-filling place over the last months.”
– Wendy Marr

“I love that the Circle is a unique monthly experience that is never the same. So many ‘Wow!’ moments awaken me to what matters. I also love that the Circle is a safe haven that welcomes all aspects of my being – my essence and my vulnerable humanity, fostering a harmonious relationship of love and belonging. Here, I can blossom as an embodiment of divine awakening in a guided, grounded, and emotionally supportive co-creative space that reveres the sanctity of life.”
– Lynda Perry

Spiritual counselling

The Soul Circle is for the dedicated person who prioritizes personal growth and collective healing.

It is an opportunity to free your divine spark and know that you really matter. It’s an environment to move beyond the limitations of self-judgement and social pressure, foster conscious awareness and experience the joy of uncovering your essential worthiness.

Be part of the Circle to

  • Awaken and nurture your whole body, mind, and soul.
  • Connect with your inner compass and cultivate authentic expression.
  • Deepen your relationship with yourself, others, and Spirit.
  • Be part of an intentional community where we can make a difference together.

You have the inner power to influence the outer world.

There is a rich treasure trove of felt-sense experience from within you to draw immeasurable guidance, which can impact your choices and interactions with others. My vision is to provide a sacred space for you to remember who you are, integrate the fragmented parts of you and live spaciously.

I believe that all people matter and every individual is a thread of consciousness in a larger tapestry of purpose and belonging, and I trust in our sacred responsibility to co-create meaningful change in the world, starting with ourselves.

Flexible Online Format
Participate LIVE or via the Recording

The Circle is held on Wednesday evenings Pacific time, with exceptions due to travel.

The next Circle is Wednesday, October 23rd at 6:00-7:30 pm PDT

Only $38 CAD Monthly Subscription

$380 CAD Annual Subscription (Save $76) 

Mystical teachings

Discover the unique journey we embark on in the Soul Circle.

We delve into mystical teachings, awareness practices and relational tools with channeled messages and spiritual guidance. Together, we explore how mystical awareness fosters empathy and compassion toward ourselves and others. We tap into a deep well of insight, resourcefulness, and intuition. We also explore self- and co-regulation, learning to manage triggers, and accessing the inner intelligence of thoughts and emotions.

Listening to your body and emotions is encouraged so you can connect with the deeper wisdom of your soul. The body is seen as a conduit for Spirit. All thoughts and feelings are welcomed, leading to a more profound understanding and healing. Emotions and shadow aspects are not signs of weakness but a path to transformational healing and spiritual awakening. We view challenges as opportunities for growth, understanding that these lead to spiritual insight, awakened consciousness and integration.

The Circle is a place to access collective healing. As part of the Soul Circle, we unlock the profound healing potential of the group’s subtle energies. The synergy within the group dynamic accelerates personal growth and supports collective healing in the circle and worldwide. We join together to nurture the field of peace, soothe the pain from conditioned patterns and ancient traumas, and free trapped energies.

What to Expect in the Circle

Each circle begins with a guided journey followed by a channeled message. What follows is experiential. We explore the meaning of the channeled guidance and its relevance, and we address personal inquiries with healing and embodied somatic experiences, which can include break-out rooms to allow members to connect, explore and learn together.

  • Embark on new ways of perceiving reality.
  • Grow your ability to stay present and attune to your intuition.
  • Tap into the wisdom inherent in your human nature.
  • Have the courage to trust your intrinsic worth.
  • Be deeply supported on immediate and longstanding issues.
  • And be a source of support for others in the group.

The Soul Circle offers you a monthly 90-minute online session via Zoom with impactful spiritual mentoring and somatic experience.

The Circle also includes a Weekly Oracle Message, exclusive access to a growing library of guided meditations/journeys and teachings, and an online community to meet other members and embody new connections, expand your awareness and nourish your soul.

Email Notification and Reminder: Members receive email notification of the session date and time and an email reminder with the Zoom access link.

Replay Recording: The recording of each online session is available on the Member website within 72 hours of the event. To honour your privacy, you have the option to not be on the final recording. Any sections of the video with your visual or voice can be removed.

Take a deep dive into living life consciously

for only $38 CAD Monthly Subscription

$380 CAD Annual Subscription (Save $76) 

Cancellation Policy: A monthly subscription will automatically renew one month after the date you registered and every month thereafter. If you choose an annual subscription, it will automatically renew one year after the date you registered. If you cancel prior to the next renewal date, you will not be charged on the next renewal date.

Refund Policy: You may cancel your membership within 30 days of signing up and receive a full refund. After 30 days, no refunds will be granted. Refund requests must be made by email. Refunds will be issued in the same form of payment made and may take up to three weeks to process.

Hi!  I’m Linda, the soul-in-body human navigating this spiritual adventure.

Through life’s ever-changing landscape, I’ve been devoted to the journey of embodied divinity. As a spiritual guide, counsellor, transformational healer and author, I’ve honed my belief that every person is whole and resourceful and can serve as a powerful co-creator with Spirit in all aspects of life.

I am passionate about welcoming the multi-facets of being human and accepting that nothing is as it seems and people behave as they do for reasons beyond the reasoning mind.

I trust that we foster connection when we learn from one another and celebrate our uniqueness. My intention is thus grounded in collaboration and the healing power of embracing different perspectives.

Through thought-provoking channeled guidance, mentoring and meaningful conversations and healing processes, I support a community where individuals evolve their beliefs, expand their horizons, and collectively work towards making a positive difference in the world. I believe meaningful change begins with individuals making intentional choices that inevitably ripple out and impact others.

As the driving force behind the Soul Circle, I endeavour to provide an environment where members can engage in transformative teachings and life-affirming connections.

I am dedicated to inspiring others on the spiritual journey to develop self-inquiry practices, evolve, and enrich their lives, ultimately leading to a more purposeful and peaceful existence.

Join me in this vibrant community to foster conscious awareness and impact the world with lasting change.

Linda L. Nardelli

“Linda is a gift from the Universe. Her deep knowledge and understanding of therapeutic techniques and her inspired channeling have helped me see myself in a glorious new light. The support I find within the Soul Circle is something I look forward to each month.”
– Toni Serofin, Book Designer

“Being part of the Soul Circle has been very empowering.  I always leave the monthly session feeling uplifted and supported. Our sharing and learning is a safe place for mutual vulnerability, which helps me recognize the power and beauty within me. I also regularly access the portal resources, finding tools and messages that help me cultivate the inner witness, softening reactivity and recentering myself.
– Holli Husband, The Cat Hotel

Connect with an intentional spiritual healing community.

Since you are here reading these words, it means that the Soul Circle has the potential to enrich your life. Something vital beckons you. Perhaps a shared love for humanity and the desire to heal the wound that separates us. What if you hold the key to integration and nurturing a compassionate, sustainable world where every human feels worthy?  Imagine what you can realize with that key!

The Soul Circle is not an ordinary opportunity; it’s a transformative journey that merges spiritually with personal psychology and unites the fragmented parts within the self into wholeness.

You have the potential to experience transformational healing and free ancestral conditioning, and embark on a path of awakened consciousness.

Be part of this impactful journey!

“With gentleness, Linda teaches how to welcome all parts of ourselves, including fears, insecurities, and the ego, by not making them “bad” or “wrong.” I am learning to surrender my instinct to try to fix and change these parts of me and instead integrate them into my life, which has helped me evolve my inner dialogue—how I perceive myself. I’ve become more accepting and receptive towards a deeper sense of self-value.”
– Brittany Robertson, Life coach & Social Media Manager

Linda facilitates this group with so much love and compassion that one can only walk away feeling loved and heard. I joined this wonderful group of souls because I know the importance of like-minded individuals meeting and uplifting one another. I also knew it was time for me to get out of my own way. The added bonus of receiving channeled guidance makes it even more appealing.
– Ani Lyne, Author and Channeled Artist

“I enjoy the themes that arise in the circle and seeing myself reflected back to me from the perspective of others.  Linda’s healing insights and Masiandia’s wisdom contain gold nuggets that inspire me to learn and grow.”
– Andrea Douglas, Breathwork Practitioner

“I love the insights that Linda and Masi share. It’s a heart and soul experience from month to month.”
–  Kala Koss, Empowerment Coach

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